Desaturating the Saturation
Interactive exhibition

An interactive exhibition that encourages participants to imagine and understand Oxford Circus through senses beyond sight.

The touch installation curates motifs often seen (but not touched) on Oxford Street, casted in cement and wax. From manholes on the ground to the roofs on buildings, participants are invited to touch and observe the details of these everyday items.

The sound installation invites participants to create their own remix and audio experience of Oxford Circus.

The soundboard holds a varied selection of conversations and ambient sounds recorded on the street.

The smell installation illustrates the different coffee shops around every corner of Oxford Circus.

The clear coffee leaves the participant surprised as the aroma of coffee beans fills the room.

The taste installation is a metaphor for the sensory unpredictability of walking in the city. Participants chose jelly beans in a game of roulette to experience a surprise from a range of delicious to disgusting flavours.

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